Considerations Before Getting a Butt Enhancement
Posted on October 29th, 2015 by Dr. William FranckleHaving confidence whenever you enter or leave a room is more important than it has ever been before. Our accomplished staff, led by American Society of Plastic Surgeons member William C. Franckle, shapes, firms, and redefines posteriors for both men and women. Whether the goal is to look good facing away from a camera or just to boost confidence, we know how to help patients achieve the lusciousness they desire. However, before undergoing this procedure, it’s vital that patients consider a few things first. These considerations make butt enhancement a much smoother process.
You’ve Tried Your Hardest
If you have tried to diet and exercise your way to perkier buttocks, you may wonder why the rest of your body has firmed up while your buttocks remains flat. The answer is that while you can firm and reduce the size of that area, you can’t change the shape of it. That’s pretty much true of any body part. You can eat and exercise your way to a fit and chiseled body, but the basic shape remains the same. Furthermore, there are other serious considerations to take into account besides past efforts.
Overall Health
Any medical procedure works best when the patient is healthy and at a normal weight. This is especially true of patients undergoing elective procedures. Our office can work to give people the results they desire, but it is wise to make sure your health can withstand the process before making a decision. In addition to anesthesia, we will need to know about any heart issues, previous surgeries, and drug allergies. We must also stress that patients follow-up with the recommended care for the butt enhancement.
Realistic Goals
Patients must define what they hope to achieve with their surgery. In the office, we have a 3D imaging machine that helps provide an idea of what the result will look like. This machine has pleased many of our patients because it provides a realistic image without exaggerating the prospects. During this time, we can also look at what areas of the body we can reduce fat from, as that fat will be used to plump up and contour a shapely backside. Yes, that’s right: this surgery not only involves a butt enhancement but fat removal, too. It’s a win-win all around. Call today for a consultation to see if you are an ideal candidate for this surgery.