Butt Augmentation Before and After
Before and After Photos
Front View

Side View

Buttock Augmentation with silicone implants
Age: 27 years old
Height: 5’4″ Weight: 149 lbs
Approach: Due to the patient’s small size, she was not a candidate for fat transfer and elected silicone implants to add volume and improve the curvature of the buttock.
Front View

Side View

Buttock Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure with liposuction of the abdomen and fat grafting to the buttock
Age: 28 years old
Height: 5’2″ Weight: 156
Approach: Suction assisted lipoplasty of anterior and posterior trunk with large volume fat grafting of 650ml fat grafting per side in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks.
Please view photos of our patients who have underwent butt augmentation surgery. Call us for more information.