How Can Kybella Help With That Annoying “Bra Bulge”?
Posted on July 31st, 2018 by Dr. William FranckleMany women are familiar with “bra bulge”—that small bit of stubborn fat between the armpit and the bra that often won’t disappear no matter how hard they work out or how healthy they eat. While some dermatologists have successfully treated patients with liposuction or CoolSculpting, there’s a new injectable treatment called Kybella on the market that can destroy fat cells to remove that dreaded bulge.
How Does Kybella Work?
Kybella is a non-surgical procedure that involves a series of injections, rather than incisions like traditional liposuction. When injected into the skin, a chemical reaction occurs that breaks up and dissolves fat cells. It’s currently FDA-approved to remove fat in the chin area, but more and more physicians are using it to safely remove fatty buildups on virtually any part of the body. While Kybella isn’t quite as precise as liposuction, it’s an excellent alternative for those averse to surgery.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella?
The ideal candidate for the Kybella injection has some fat between the armpit and bra area that can be pinched. Those with excessive skin laxity in that area may not have great results with Kybella because the skin won’t contract. Otherwise, the treatment is ideal for women who don’t want to undergo surgery. While CoolSculpting is another fat removal option, it typically only removes about 20 percent of the bulge, so it’s not as effective as Kybella.
What Should Patients Expect With Kybella?
When the patient arrives for her appointment, she’ll spend a few minutes with Dr. Franckle before receiving the injection using a very small needle in the armpit area. The treatment only takes a few minutes, but it often takes two or more treatments to see full results. Women with larger bra bulges may need up to six treatments. Patients experience minimal downtime, and side effects are typically mild and can include bruising and mild swelling. Both of these side effects usually subside after just a couple of weeks. Results are gradual because it takes a few weeks for the fat cells to break down, so patients won’t notice an immediate effect.
Dr. Franckle performs Kybella treatments regularly at his office in Voorhees and has helped countless women remove that stubborn bra bulge. If you are interested in learning how Kybella can help you target those annoying pockets of fat, call William Franckle, MD, FACS at 856-772-6500 to schedule an appointment or contact us online.