Can Plastic Surgery Help Achieve New Year’s Resolutions?
Posted on January 10th, 2018 by Dr. William FranckleEach year, we make promises to ourselves to do (or not do) certain things to attain goals in the New Year. While diet, determination, and discipline are determining factors for many New Year’s resolutions, getting there and staying there may require a helping hand. Plastic surgery can help achieve some of these resolutions while offering value-added benefits that can enhance one’s overall quality of life for years to come.
New Year, New You
Many New Year’s resolutions revolve around self-improvement: correcting old, unproductive habits, and introducing new, constructive routines. Gyms and fitness centers typically experience a swell in attendance during this period, as well as a corresponding drop a couple of months later as personal motivation wanes. But the failure to slim down and shape up isn’t always due to slacking; belly fat and flabby skin are notoriously difficult to fix with diet and exercise alone. Plastic surgery is not meant to reduce weight, but in addition to healthy lifestyle choices, it can provide the finesse of form that simple diet and exercise cannot always achieve. A commitment to a healthy lifestyle can then successfully maintain those enhancements.
Giving Back to Yourself
To reach some goals, assistance from a plastic surgeon can help when dumbbell reps don’t. But that’s not the only way. Correcting appearance issues on the face—like fine lines and wrinkles, hollow cheeks, thin lips or other signs of aging or stress—is another way plastic surgery can help you look and feel your best. At first, the expense of some cosmetic treatments can seem overwhelming. So many of us have convinced ourselves that we are not worth the money. Simply letting go of that guilt and allowing yourself to invest in your happiness may be the one resolution that makes the biggest difference of all.
Fixing Flaws to Live More Fully
Plastic surgery offers many possibilities for adjusting face and body aesthetics. Losing “turkey neck” is another popular New Year’s resolution, especially among women. An enhanced look can be achieved via a lower rhytidectomy (“neck lift” surgery) or a series of revolutionary Kybella treatments, alone or in combination. Just smoothing the neck can give the whole self a boost of age-defying inner confidence. In addition, injectable dermal fillers are effective, non-surgical treatments to reduce laugh lines, gaunt cheeks, or smooth indented scars. Fillers can also restore volume to a weathered face, or even fill out withering hands.
Resolve to Rejuvenate
The main goal should always be a healthier, happier you, and plastic surgery can help anyone, at any age reach for and keep those resolutions for the New Year and beyond. To learn more or to schedule a New Year’s gift for yourself, contact us at William Franckle, MD, FACS for a consultation.