I Want to Look Great for Valentine’s Day!
Posted on January 27th, 2012 by Dr. William FranckleRaise your hand if you wait until the last minute to take care of tasks. Yep, we are guilty too. With the internet, overnight shipping and instant gratification at every corner, the idea of planning ahead really has lost its appeal.
There are still a few things in life that we need to plan ahead of time. Prepping for a surgery, for example, can take months including the recovery time. So what about this coming Valentine’s Day? Do you still have time for a quick treatment or two? It is probably too late to schedule surgery now and be recovered in time for the romantic holiday, but facial injections or laser treatments are still a great idea. Here are your options:
Botox/Dysport: Relax the wrinkles between your eyebrows, on your forehead and around those pesky crow’s feet. On average your results will take 4-5 days to appear and will last 3-4 months. But don’t wait until the last minute, come see us by February 7th.
Juvederm, Restylane: Erase those smile lines and give a sexy plump to your lips at least 2 weeks before the big day. Your final result will be evident within 5-7 days of treatment and will last 6-9 months. We can stretch this one to February 2nd.
Skin Rejuvenation: Even out skin tone; erase light acne scars and brown spots; improve your skin’s texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines with a laser treatment. Our laser treatments (in order to get great results) do require a bit of downtime (3-4 days), but if you’re willing to commit you’re going to be very happy with your results. See us by February 2nd to be ready for your valentine.
Dr. Franckle sees patients on Tuesday afternoons and all day Thursdays.
Only a couple days left before Valentine’s Day – be ready with an appointment!