The Pros and Cons of Different Breast Augmentation Incisions
Posted on August 09th, 2016 by Dr. William FranckleIf you made the decision to get implants – you’re not done yet – you have more decisions ahead of you. In addition to the type of implant and its placement in relation to the muscle, you must also decide what breast augmentation incisions you wish to have. Each comes with its own pros and cons. Aesthetic results can be achieved with each of the breast augmentation incisions, so your selection is largely dependent on what you and Dr. Franckle determine is the best option for your body.
Axillary Endoscopic
PRO: This cut is made into the skin of the underarm, leaving chest tissue unscathed. Your doctor is able to use endoscopic techniques to create a pocket for the implant, as well as place it easily. Scarring from this technique is often naturally hidden in the underarm folds.
CON: It is possible for an endoscopic procedure to produce a long or thick scar, which may be visible in bathing suits or sleeveless tops. In the future, it may be difficult for Dr. Franckle to perform additional surgeries, such as removing scarring around the implants or to correct sagging implants. Some patients have also experienced numbness of the skin around the underarm and upper arm.
Breast Fold
For this surgery, your doctor makes a small cut in the fold of skin beneath your bust. Of all the procedures, this one is most preferred for women opting for silicone implants in their breast augmentation. The doctor has full control over the creation of the pocket, as well as the positioning.
For the fold technique, scarring appears on the chest, which might be hard to hide on women with small busts and could be visible when lying down.
The breast augmentation incisions in this procedure are around the areola. Scars may be well hidden by areolar tissue and will be easily covered up, even in small bikinis. This type of surgery makes it easy for doctors to perform additional corrections.
The areolar technique does put the scar tissue as the focal point of the chest. Many women prefer not to have their nipples operated on, for fear of loss of sensation or problems with breastfeeding.
Whatever breast augmentation incision you decide to get, your doctor will work with you to make your new implants look and feel as natural as possible.