Women Satisfied With Butt Lift Results, According to Recent Survey
Posted on February 07th, 2014 by Dr. William FranckleWomen who are considering getting plastic surgery to enhance their bottoms should pay attention to the results of a recent study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). According to information presented at the ASPS annual meeting, women who have undergone buttock augmentation using their own fat are very satisfied and happy with the way the procedure turned out.
This procedure, commonly called a “butt lift,” involves liposuction of the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and infragluteal region, then injecting that fat into the woman’s buttocks. Removing fat from the above areas and injecting them into the buttocks can help a women reduce fat in problem areas and can create a fuller backside.
In the survey, 58 women who underwent the procedure evaluated before and after photos of themselves to rate their satisfaction with the procedure. The surgical teams that performed the butt lifts also evaluated the photos to determine the quality of the their work, and identify areas of potential improvement. Among the patients, the results were overwhelmingly positive. 57 of the 58 women reported being “very satisfied” with the results.
This high level of satisfaction may be able to help create awareness about the importance of getting a butt lift from a board certified cosmetic surgeon. Many women want fuller bottoms, which has led to an increase in illegal procedures performed in unsafe conditions or unsterilized operating rooms. For this reason, organizations such as the ASPS have been working hard to emphasize the importance of consulting with only qualified plastic surgeons. The satisfaction reported by the women in the survey will dramatically help spread this message, because the public will be able to see that a properly performed butt lift has a greater chance of producing excellent results.