Gummy Bear Implants in South Jersey

The FDA has recently approved use of the 410 Cohesive Silicone Gel Implants manufactured by Allergan, Inc. Commonly referred to as the “gummy bear” implant, this is an exciting new option for breast augmentation patients.

What are Gummy Bear Implants?

A gummy bear implant is a silicone gel-filled breast implant used during a breast augmentation procedure to add volume to the breast. This new option is now one of four FDA approved silicone-gel breast implants available to patients in Voorhees, New Jersey. What makes this particular breast implant option so different is the highly cohesive silicone-gel filling. This filling, in comparison to the round silicone-gel implants, has a soft feel; natural look and the ability to hold its shape very well.

3D Imaging for Gummy Bear Implants

Vectra 3D Imaging will take your gummy bear breast augmentation consultation to a whole new level. 3D Imaging allows you, the patient, to visualize the expected results of a gummy bear implants procedure with a three dimensional, virtual image of their own body. Comparing “before” and “after” images, side by side, from several different angles can ease the decision of size and shape of the breast implant.

All of this can be done at your consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Franckle. During this consultation, breast augmentation New Jersey patients will be able to ask any questions they may have about this process.

“I am very pleased with my result, very natural and refreshing”

Breast Augmentation Patient-December 2015

Gummy Bear Implant Breast Augmentation Recovery

A gummy bear implant breast augmentation procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Immediately following the procedure, your breasts will have light gauze dressings and tape over the incisions. You can expect to wear a surgical bra or sports bra throughout your gummy bear implant recovery. Some discomfort can be expected for the first few days after surgery. Prescription and over the counter pain relievers can help with this. After 3-4 days you should be able to return to your normal routine, as long as you are avoiding heaving lifting or strenuous exercise.


The cost for a breast augmentation ranges from approximately $6,800 to $8,300.  The price difference depends on the type of implants you choose for your surgery. This cost estimate is for a breast augmentation only, if a breast lift is needed the cost will differ. To get an exact price, a consultation with Dr. Franckle is recommended.

We offer a number of patient financing options through reputable financial companies to help you plan for your breast lift. Before you apply, we recommend that you first discuss your needs with our patient coordinator, Bianca. She can help you with the application process and discuss any special offers that come up from time to time. You can visit our financing page to get more information on our programs. We also accept personal checks, cashier’s checks, cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We want to make the process as simple for you as possible, so please reach out to us in advance if you have any questions.

How to Prepare

As with any surgery, the first step to prepare for breast augmentation with gummy bear implants is to understand the procedure, recovery, risks, and expected results.

Two weeks before your procedure, we will schedule a visit to discuss pre-and post-operation care instructions. We will address any remaining questions and discuss precautions to take to ensure a successful procedure through recovery, such as:

  • Order blood work or discuss 3D imaging
  • Stop smoking or vaping
  • Adjust current medications
  • Avoid using blood-thinners like ibuprofen
  • Complete breastfeeding for at least 3-6 months
  • Maintain a healthy, stable weight

It’s important to maintain good physical and emotional health leading up to the surgery and make post-surgery arrangements like time off from work or childcare.

To request a consultation or learn more about gummy bear implants in South Jersey, call William Franckle, MD, FACS, at (856) 619-7809.


The nickname ‘gummy bear implants’ originated because the new highly cohesive gel implant is able to hold its shape overtime, just like the candy. Think about squeezing a gummy bear between your fingers, when you release the pressure of your fingers, the gummy bear immediately springs back to its original form. A gummy bear implant may face stress overtime from your body’s natural movement, but it will maintain its original shape.

The main difference between a traditional gel implant and a gummy bear implant is the composition of the silicone gel within the implant. The silicone gel of a gummy bear implant has more cross-linking within it, making its shape stronger than a traditional silicone gel.

The risks of a gummy bear implant surgery are similar to the risks with any breast augmentation procedure. Infection, capsular contracture, and rupture are among some of the risks associated with a breast implant procedure. In addition, there are some unique issues for a gummy bear implant procedure related to implant shifting which can become noticeable and compromise the final result. All of this will be discussed with you during your consultation with Dr. Franckle.

Dr Franckle

Meet Dr. William Franckle Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

We know that you have many options when choosing a plastic surgeon. Dr. Franckle and his staff are dedicated to providing you with a caring and professional surgical experience. Time and time again our patients credit Dr. Franckle’s expertise and the kindness of our staff as the reason for choosing our practice. Dr. Franckle is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties to certify surgeons in the practice of plastic surgery. Attention to detail, meticulous skill, and an artistic eye make Dr. Franckle an expert in such procedures as rhinoplasty (nose job), breast augmentation (breast implants), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), facelift, and non-surgical treatments (Botox and injectable fillers).

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William Franckle, MD., FACS

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