Face Lift

If you’ve noticed the effects of aging and long to restore the youthful, firm contours of your face, you may be an ideal candidate for a facelift. South Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. Franckle, has performed numerous procedures and can help patients in Voorhees and the surrounding areas regain their youthful appearance. The overall goal at William Franckle, MD, FACS is to keep our patients looking refreshed and full of life. If you notice creases below your eyelids, sagging in the mid-face and jawline, deep creases along the nose towards the sides of your mouth, overall loss of skin tone and more, a rhytidectomy (facelift) may be the solution you’re looking for. These common effects are caused by a combination of heredity, gravity, stress, environment and, above all, aging. Luckily, a rhytidectomy can provide a restorative and rejuvenating solution.

Considerations Before Surgery

While appearance and aging are commonly considered the determining factors for facelift candidates, health is also an extremely important factor. This procedure is only applicable for patients in opportune health. Since the surgery requires anesthesia, patients should be vetted by their physician before opting for this procedure. Healthy individuals without medical conditions that impair healing, non-smokers, and patients with realistic expectations are ideal candidates. It’s important to maintain proper expectations regarding results. While a facelift will alter and enhance your appearance, it will not alter the fundamental appearance of your face nor halt aging.

A facelift is often done alongside other procedures, including a brow lift or eyelid surgery. While a rhytidectomy can effectively tighten the facial skin, it is not always the proper procedure for every patient. If your main concern is restored firmness, you may consider other cosmetic procedures that are less invasive. A non-surgical approach can utilize dermal fillers to add fullness and enhance contours. This addresses common complaints, including crow’s feet and smile lines. Fillers can also be used to enhance shallow contours, soften facial creases and wrinkles, improve the appearance of recessed scarring, and plump thin lips. For some, this is a better route than a facelift as the results are less dramatic. This is often most helpful for those showing early signs of aging.

Why Choose Dr. Franckle?

To truly reap the benefits of this procedure, choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon with a trusted background should be a top priority. William Franckle, MD, FACS has a proven track record for patient collaboration and works to ensure your results are up to your expectations. No two patients are alike and Dr. Franckle embraces the opportunity to enhance each individual’s personal beauty. He happily works alongside patients to ensure their questions and concerns don’t go unanswered.

His qualifications are just as impressive as his attention to patient satisfaction. Dr. Franckle is not only board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, but he also possesses multiple awards and society memberships. He has received the Top Physicians of 2009 The Art of Medicine Award and SJ Magazine Top Docs 2008 Award. Some of his society memberships include Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, and Medical Society of New Jersey.

“I’m grateful to have discovered William Franckle, MD, FACS. The staff made me feel very welcome and always treated me with respect and gave me special attention. Dr. Franckle patiently answered my questions and most importantly asked me what I wanted to look like after my procedure. He is a true listener and wants to satisfy his patients.”

Facelift Patient – December 2015

Procedure Variations and Steps

Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, your plastic surgeon should have a variety of recommendations. Patients should cease smoking, avoid taking any blood thinners, and increase water intake prior to surgery. When it comes to the day of your procedure, there are some important details you should be aware of. First and foremost, there’s anesthesia. This is crucial for your comfort during the procedure. Your surgery requires medications that can include intravenous sedation or general anesthesia depending on your preference. If you’re looking for further procedures to enhance your facelift, many patients consider undergoing various procedures in one session. These may include facial implants, soft tissue augmentation, resurfacing techniques, or wrinkle reduction with injection of fat or fillers.

Due to the nature of this procedure, some small incisions are required. There are a variety of options ranging from a limited incision, neck lift, or traditional facelift. With a traditional facelift, incisions are made along the face. This will include the lower scalp, hairline near the temples and around the ear. Tissue beneath the face may be manipulated and sculpted for the desired result while fat deposits are redistributed. This will address issues along the jowls, neck, and face. Once these contours have been enhanced, the skin will then be re-draped and excess skin is trimmed. If there is excess skin or signs of aging beneath the neck, a second incision may be required. All incisions are closed with skin adhesives or sutures.

When a patient opts for limited incision, smaller incisions are made at the temples, continuing around the ear and possibly the lower eyelids or under the upper lip. If sagging jowls and loose neck skin are the major areas needing attention, a neck lift may be appropriate. This incision starts in front of the ear lobe curving around the ear and ending by the lower scalp.

Any incisions are expertly placed so that they are naturally concealed within the hairline and contours of the face once they are healed. Results will be noticeable as soon as any resulting swelling or bruising diminishes. This procedure can help you attain a youthful and rested appearance.

What to Expect After Surgery

Before deciding to have the procedure, patients should familiarize themselves with the post-op recovery process. Following the procedure, a compression bandage may be placed around the surgery site to keep bruising and swelling to an absolute minimum. Specialized tubes may be inserted under the skin to promote proper drainage of the excess fluid and blood that may collect under the skin.

Dr. Franckle will provide specific instructions regarding the proper care regimen following your surgery. This will include how to care for the surgical site and drains, necessary medications to apply or take orally for healing and information on reducing chances of infection, specific concerns to keep your eye on for the surgical site or general health, and a timetable for when you should follow up with Dr. Franckle.

As with any surgery, you may have questions about when you can get back to your normal lifestyle and activities. It may not seem apparent beforehand, but you should ask any potential questions during your consultation so that you don’t take part in an activity that could potentially interfere with recovery. Dr. Franckle can provide more specific information about the date of removal for bandages, dressings and stitches, when you can wear makeup, resume exercise, or visit your stylist for cut and color. Pending the extent of the procedure or combination of procedures, sutures are usually removed within 14 days of surgery. Bruising and swelling will normally become less noticeable in 10 to 20 days. Overall, the final result of a facelift procedure is evident in 4 to 6 weeks or sooner, with continued improvement for several months.

There are also a variety of steps you can take to ensure your results are maintained so you can enjoy your procedure to its fullest. Regular application of sunscreen and a healthy lifestyle can help you keep the rejuvenated, youthful appearance following your surgery. For optimal results, be sure to follow Dr. Franckle’s instructions to the fullest. Your surgeon will recommend that you avoid excessive force, abrasion, or motion during the healing process. For instance, you will want to avoid getting dressed in a fashion that requires you to pull shirts over your head.


The cost of a facelift procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally speaking the range of cost for a facelift is $9,000-$16,000. For an exact price, we encourage you to visit our office for a consultation with Dr. Franckle.

We offer a number of patient financing options through reputable financial companies to help you plan for your breast lift. Before you apply, we recommend that you first discuss your needs with our patient coordinator, Bianca. She can help you with the application process and discuss any special offers that come up from time to time. You can visit our financing page to get more information on our programs. We also accept personal checks, cashier’s checks, cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We want to make the process as simple for you as possible, so please reach out to us in advance if you have any questions.

How to Prepare

The most important consideration following any surgical procedure is giving yourself time to rest and heal.

What is Facelift Recovery Like?

Before deciding to have this procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the post-operative recovery process. Following surgery, a compression bandage may be placed around the surgical site to keep bruising and swelling to an absolute minimum. Specialized tubes may be inserted under the skin to promote proper drainage of the excess fluid and blood that may collect under the skin.

Dr. Franckle will provide specific instructions regarding the proper care regimen post procedure. This will include how to care for the surgical site and drains, necessary medications to apply or take orally for healing and information on reducing chances of infection, specific concerns to keep your eye on for the surgical site or general health, and a timetable for when you should follow up with Dr. Franckle.

As with any surgery, you may have questions about when you can get back to your normal lifestyle and activities. It may not seem apparent beforehand, but you should ask any potential questions during your consultation so that you don’t take part in an activity that could potentially interfere with recovery. Dr. Franckle can provide more specific information about the date of removal for bandages, dressings and stitches, when you can wear makeup, resume exercise, or visit your stylist for cut and color. Pending the extent of the procedure or combination of procedures, sutures are usually removed within 14 days of surgery. Bruising and swelling is normal and will become less noticeable in 10-20 days. Overall, the final result of a facelift procedure is evident in 4 to 6 weeks, with continued improvement for several months.


There are also a variety of steps you can take to ensure your results are maintained so you can enjoy your procedure to its fullest. Regular application of sunscreen and a healthy lifestyle can help you keep the rejuvenated, youthful appearance following your surgery. For optimal results, be sure to follow Dr. Franckle’s instructions to the fullest. Your surgeon will recommend that you avoid excessive force, abrasion, or motion during the healing process. For instance, you will want to avoid getting dressed in a fashion that requires you to pull shirts over your head.

Dr Franckle

Meet Dr. William Franckle Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

We know that you have many options when choosing a plastic surgeon. Dr. Franckle and his staff are dedicated to providing you with a caring and professional surgical experience. Time and time again our patients credit Dr. Franckle’s expertise and the kindness of our staff as the reason for choosing our practice. Dr. Franckle is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties to certify surgeons in the practice of plastic surgery. Attention to detail, meticulous skill, and an artistic eye make Dr. Franckle an expert in such procedures as rhinoplasty (nose job), breast augmentation (breast implants), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), facelift, and non-surgical treatments (Botox and injectable fillers).

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William Franckle, MD., FACS

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