Eyelid Lift Procedures

As we age, our skin ages with us. This often comes in the form of deflated, sagging, or even puffy skin. Many aging men and women notice that their eye area, from crow’s feet to eyelids, gives off a tired or swollen appearance. This may be cause for insecurity or overall dissatisfaction with your appearance, especially since the eye area tends to be the focal point of the face. Not only does this cause aesthetic concern, but it may also cause discomfort. For some, excess skin along the upper eyelids can cause issues with eyesight. If you feel as though your eyelid area holds you back from your ideal image or lifestyle, you may be a great candidate for an eyelid lift, known as blepharoplasty. Dr. Franckle of William Franckle, MD, FACS in Voorhees has performed a number of successful eyelid surgery procedures to date.

Am I an Eyelid Lift Candidate?

There are a number of characteristics or situations that make someone an ideal candidate for an eyelid rejuvenation:

  • Above-average sagging around upper eyelids
  • Wrinkling in the upper or lower skin along the eyelid
  • Excess eyelid skin that causes vision issues
  • Lack of a natural upper eyelid crease
  • Bloated pouches of fat in upper or lower eyelids

While these areas of concern often inspire patients to opt for this procedure, there are also a number of health factors that should be considered. Before choosing to undergo this procedure, a potential patient should be a generally healthy non-smoker with no life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that impair healing. In addition, candidates should have healthy, realistic goals for their surgery.

What Is an Eyelid Lift Like?

First and foremost, Dr. Franckle will perform your procedure under a form of anesthesia he deems most appropriate. This ranges from intravenous sedation to general anesthesia. Next, the incision sites will be carefully chosen so that they are properly concealed after the healing process, folding naturally within the creases of the eye area.

To fix the upper eyelid, the incision will be in the natural crease of the eyelid for fat deposit repositioning, muscle tightening, and removing extra skin. For the lower lid, the incision will be just below the lash line. Finally, the incision will be closed with removable sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. After the procedure is complete, you will be ready for the healing phase. You will be provided with specific post-op recommendations that should be followed to ensure a safe and successful healing process.

Combination of Procedures

You may want to enhance the youthful results of your eyelid lift procedure with additional treatments. Botox Cosmetic and dermal fillers such as Juvederm are great options to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles all around your face. LATISSE is an increasingly popular route for those who wish to restore lush, voluminous lashes. By treating your lashes just once a day, you could see results within eight weeks. Discuss additional treatments or procedures with Dr. Franckle during your consultation.

Why Choose Dr. Franckle?

As with any procedure, it is best to trust a board-certified plastic surgeon. In addition to being board-certified, Dr. Franckle boasts an array of impressive memberships that display his knowledge in the industry. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the American College of Surgeons, among others. It is this extensive exposure and continued learning that give Dr. Franckle the cutting-edge in eyelid lift procedures.

Recovery from Eyelid Surgery

Sutures are generally removed within 4 to 6 days. Initial, mild discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication. Bruising and sensitivity to light may occur for 1 to 2 weeks. Swelling progressively disappears in 1 to 2 weeks. Eye makeup can be used after sutures are removed. Contact lenses can be worn when comfortable—usually within 7 to 10 days. The final result is evident in 4-6 weeks or sooner with continued improvement for several months. Additional procedures that may enhance the result of an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) are: Forehead Lift, Face Lift, Chemical Peel or Laser Skin Resurfacing.


The cost of an eyelid lift procedure will vary depending on the patient and what the surgery entails. Generally speaking if the lift is needed for either the upper or lower eyelid, the cost is $4,000-$4,500. If a lift is needed for both the upper and lower eyelids, the cost is $6,000-$7,000.

We offer a number of patient financing options through reputable financial companies to help you plan for your breast lift. Before you apply, we recommend that you first discuss your needs with our patient coordinator, Bianca. She can help you with the application process and discuss any special offers that come up from time to time. You can visit our financing page to get more information on our programs. We also accept personal checks, cashier’s checks, cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We want to make the process as simple for you as possible, so please reach out to us in advance if you have any questions.

How to Prepare for an Eyelid Lift

Before you undergo your eyelid lift, Dr. Franckle will have you undergo routine steps in order to ensure you are in the best shape for the procedure. These steps include lab testing or a medical evaluation, taking or adjusting certain medications, cutting out smoking, and avoiding aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements that may harm the healing process or increase bleeding. It is best to arrange for a friend or relative to take you to and from surgery. It is also recommended that you have someone stay with you the night after your surgery just to be safe.

Consultation Prep

The best thing you can take into your consultation is confidence. Although you may feel some degree of anxiety or nervousness associated with the upcoming procedure, it’s best to get all questions out in the open before you commit to your eyelid lift. Dr. Franckle is there to guide you through the process and give you honest, informative answers about the upcoming procedure. Be sure to ask questions regarding healing time, likely outcomes, your goals, and more.


Dr Franckle

Meet Dr. William Franckle Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

We know that you have many options when choosing a plastic surgeon. Dr. Franckle and his staff are dedicated to providing you with a caring and professional surgical experience. Time and time again our patients credit Dr. Franckle’s expertise and the kindness of our staff as the reason for choosing our practice. Dr. Franckle is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties to certify surgeons in the practice of plastic surgery. Attention to detail, meticulous skill, and an artistic eye make Dr. Franckle an expert in such procedures as rhinoplasty (nose job), breast augmentation (breast implants), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), facelift, and non-surgical treatments (Botox and injectable fillers).

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William Franckle, MD., FACS

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