How Will Pregnancy Affect My Breast Implants?

25141597360_1ab02e3467_zOne of the most common concerns for women visiting our office for a breast augmentation is pregnancy and breast implants. Myths about breast implants have women believing that breast implants will prevent them from breastfeeding. While future pregnancies should be taken into consideration when deciding the size and placement of breast implants, pregnancy should not hinder you from getting implants. No doctor can guarantee a successful breastfeeding experience, with our without implants, but many women at our practice have been able to experience all the joys of pregnancy with augmented breasts.

One thing to keep in mind is the possible aesthetic effects on your breast tissue and implants after carrying a baby to term.

Sagging Skin

In general, pregnancy and breast implants can coexist without any issues, but pregnancy may have some effects on the look and shape of your breast augmentation. During pregnancy, your mammary glands will swell as they become engorged with milk, possibly stretching the tissue and surrounding skin. After nursing your baby, the mammary glands will eventually shrink again, sometimes leaving sagging or stretched skin behind. This can lead to a less-full or less perky appearance of the breasts. If this is something you are concerned with, be sure to discuss it with Dr. Franckle during the consultation.


Another issue that women notice after pregnancy is rippling or dimpling of the skin. This can occur anywhere around the implant but is usually seen on the top or sides of the breasts and most noticeable when you lean forward. Dimpling of the skin occurs when the natural breast tissue has begun to sag down off the implant creating a wavy appearance on the skin’s surface. Most commonly the patients we see with this concern have saline implants that were placed over the muscle (as opposed to under the muscle). If this is a concern of yours, Dr. Franckle can discuss the option of a silicone implant placed under the muscle. If dimpling is happening to you now, it may be corrected with a breast implant revision procedure.

Many, many women in our practice and around the world have a pregnancy and breast implants and experience little to no sagging, dimpling, or other side effects. Every woman’s story is unique, and there is a solution if your experience is unsatisfactory.

Dr Franckle

Meet Dr. William Franckle Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

We know that you have many options when choosing a plastic surgeon. Dr. Franckle and his staff are dedicated to providing you with a caring and professional surgical experience. Time and time again our patients credit Dr. Franckle’s expertise and the kindness of our staff as the reason for choosing our practice. Dr. Franckle is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties to certify surgeons in the practice of plastic surgery. Attention to detail, meticulous skill, and an artistic eye make Dr. Franckle an expert in such procedures as rhinoplasty (nose job), breast augmentation (breast implants), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), facelift, and non-surgical treatments (Botox and injectable fillers).

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William Franckle, MD., FACS

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