Butt Enhancement Surgery Recovery Tips

Posted on December 21st, 2021 by Dr. William Franckle

Aside from the surgery details and anticipated results, patients also frequently ask about the post-op and recovery timeline. After the 2-3 hour butt enhancement surgery, you’ll need to follow specific instructions from your doctor to manage any pain or swelling and optimize your recovery. Here are three tips to help you preserve your results and heal properly following a butt lift.

Understand the Approximate Recovery Timeline

Each patient’s recovery journey is unique, but you can generally expect the following recovery timeline after a butt lift surgery depending on your medical history and personal background:

  • One Week Post Op: Pain, swelling, and bruising should not be as severe. Walking around and completing minor physical tasks is possible, but bending over should be avoided.
  • Two Weeks Post Op: Patient may be cleared to sit again and sleep on their back.
  • Three-Four Weeks Post Op: The majority of swelling and bruising should subside, and the patient can perform light exercise if cleared by their doctor.

Wear Loosely Fitting Clothing

Following your butt enhancement procedure, you’ll be sent home with a compression garment that may need to be worn for up to three weeks. This garment helps to reduce swelling and bruising while maintaining the newly defined shape of your buttocks. While you’re healing, wear loose-fitting clothing to make it easier for you to dress and avoid the discomfort of constricting the treatment area.

Follow Proper Sleeping Positions

Until your surgeon clears you, sleeping on your stomach or side is crucial to the recovery process. Use a pillow barrier if you choose to sleep on your side to help avoid accidentally rolling onto your back while sleeping. You should also avoid sitting at all during the recovery period.

Schedule a Surgery Consultation with Dr. Franckle

Talk to William Franckle, MD, FACS about the curves you desire and learn more about his expertise in cosmetic procedures for the body. As a board-certified plastic surgeon with nearly 20 years of experience, he’s highly esteemed in the cosmetic surgery community. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Franckle today to learn more about butt enhancement surgical options at his practice in South Jersey.

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We know that you have many options when choosing a plastic surgeon. Dr. Franckle and his staff are dedicated to providing you with a caring and professional surgical experience. Time and time again our patients credit Dr. Franckle’s expertise and the kindness of our staff as the reason for choosing our practice. Dr. Franckle is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties to certify surgeons in the practice of plastic surgery. Attention to detail, meticulous skill, and an artistic eye make Dr. Franckle an expert in such procedures as rhinoplasty (nose job), breast augmentation (breast implants), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), facelift, and non-surgical treatments (Botox and injectable fillers).

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William Franckle, MD., FACS

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