FAQ: Injectable Fillers
Posted on August 20th, 2015 by Dr. William FranckleFor patients who want a more youthful appearance and wish to eliminate fine lines or wrinkles at the brow line or mouth, injectable fillers offer a safe and affordable alternative to surgery. There are many options for your injectable filler treatment. We are here to talk with you about your goals and determine which product is right for you.
Can Fillers Replace a Facelift?
Injectable fillers cannot take the place of a traditional plastic surgery procedure. The results with an injectable filler are temporary and are not as dramatic as the results you can get from a facelift. By opting for an injectable filler, you may achieve a more youthful looking appearance without some of the risks and recovery associated with a surgery.
Do Fillers Work for Everyone?
While injectable fillers are safe for most people, if you are in poor health or have pre-existing health problems, you may not be a candidate. Injectable fillers are ideal for most patients who are in good health and do not smoke.
How Long Is the Recovery Time?
You won’t have a long or lingering recovery time after an injectable filler treatment, but for some there may be redness at the injection site. This is temporary and will fade within a few hours. Other possible side effects include temporary swelling or numbness at the injection site. Most patients who choose injectable fillers go on with the rest of their day as usual without any downtime.
How Long Does a Treatment Last?
Injectable fillers are temporary measures, and the effect will fade over time. The exact amount of time will depend on your own skin, the filler you choose, and a variety of other factors. Most of our patients see their results last for six to twelve months after an injection. The treatment is safe and can be repeated as needed.